
2006-02-17 22:50:07 作者:新疆维吾尔自治区统计局 2005新疆统计年鉴 浏览次数:0 网友评论 0 [评论][去论坛交流]

Household, Population, Land Area in Prefecture, City and County of uighur auotonomis region新疆维吾尔自治区各地、州、市、县(市)户数、人口数、土地面积
Household, Population, Land Area in Prefecture, City and County
                                     Region 户 数 年末人口   平均每 土地面积
(万户) (万人)   户人口 (平方公里)
    #男 (人)  
Household Total Households (10 000 Households) Year-end Population Male Average Persons Per Household (person) Land Area
(10 000   (sq.km)
  Total 554.65 1963.11 1008.02 3.54 1664897.17
乌鲁木齐市 Urumqi City 58 185.96 96.34 3.21 11383.91
克拉玛依市 Karamay City 8.93 25.39 13.18 2.84 8654.08
石河子市 Shi Hezi City 22.86 64.29 32.96 2.81 459.94
吐鲁番地区 Turpan Prefecture 16.28 57.97 29.47 3.56 67562.91
吐鲁番市 Turpan City 7.15 25.82 13.09 3.61 13589.21
鄯善县 PiqanCounty 6.11 21.2 10.8 3.47 38281.5
托克逊县 Toksun County 3.02 10.95 5.57 3.62 15692.2
哈密地区  Kumul Prefecture 16.73 52.6 26.93 3.14 142094.88
哈密市 Kumul City 13.14 40.44 20.7 3.08 85587.23
巴里坤哈萨克自治县 Barkol County 2.92 10.09 5.16 3.45 36988.55
伊吾县 Araturuk]County 0.67 2.07 1.07 3.07 19519.1
昌吉回族自治州 Sanji Prefecture 50.47 156.44 80.45 3.1 77638.97
昌吉市 Sanji City 13.12 39.35 20.29 3 8215.96
阜康市 Fukang City 5.49 15.85 8.15 2.89 8534.97
米泉市 Miquan City 6.22 18.64 9.58 3 3788.38
呼图壁县 Hutubi County 6.94 20.72 10.61 2.99 9421.03
玛纳斯县 Manas County 5.32 16.93 8.6 3.18 9597.27
奇台县 Qitai County 6.82 22.89 11.82 3.36 16638.12
吉木萨尔县 Jimsar County 3.94 13.36 6.91 3.39 8144.59
木垒哈萨克自治县 Mori County 2.61 8.7 4.49 3.33 13298.66
伊犁哈萨克自治州 Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture 117.24 414.58 211.66 3.54 268778.72
伊犁州直属县(市) Counties (Cities) Direct Under Ili Prefecture 70.52 255.65 130.35 3.63 56381.53
伊宁市 Hulja City 12.36 43.03 21.67 3.48 524.94
奎屯市 Kuytun City 10.26 29.91 15.31 2.91 1109.89
伊宁县 Hulja  County 8.61 36.27 18.79 4.22 4681.9
察布查尔锡伯自治县 Qapqal County 4.82 16.76 8.66 3.48 4471.95
霍城县 Korgas County 10.35 36.44 18.44 3.52 5429.83
巩留县 TokkuztaraCounty 4.26 16.22 8.26 3.81 4326.9
新源县 Kunes County 7.73 29.76 15.07 3.85 6813.74
昭苏县 Mongolkure  County 4.41 15.89 8.09 3.6 11127.91
特克斯县 Tekes County 3.79 15.69 8.02 4.14 7764.1
尼勒克县 Nilka County 3.94 15.67 8.04 3.98 10130.37
塔城地区 Tarbagatai Prefecture 29.27 96.63 49.43 3.3 94698.18
塔城市 Qoqek City 4.88 15.95 8.05 3.27 3991.25
乌苏市 Usu City 6.32 21.03 10.96 3.33 14299.86
额敏县 Dorbiljin   County 6.61 20.12 10.23 3.04 9448.37
沙湾县 Sawan County 6.13 20.3 10.35 3.31 12676.58
托里县 Toli County 2.34 8.91 4.49 3.81 19977.34
裕民县 Qagantokay County 1.56 5.34 2.74 3.42 6112.13
和布克赛尔蒙古自治县 Hoboksar Mongol Autonomous County 1.42 4.99 2.62 3.51 28192.65
阿勒泰地区 Altay Prefecture 17.45 62.3 31.87 3.57 117699.01
阿勒泰市 Altay City 6.81 22.63 11.6 3.32 10829.06
布尔津县 Burqin County 1.76 6.59 3.36 3.74 10357.35
富蕴县 Koktokay County 2.21 8.58 4.41 3.87 32186.11
福海县 Burultokay County 1.99 7.16 3.68 3.59 33250.74
哈巴河县 Kaba County 2.15 7.97 4.06 3.71 8166.58
青河县 Qinghe [Qinggil] County 1.32 5.62 2.86 4.27 15756.87
吉木乃县 Jemnay County 1.21 3.76 1.9 3.11 7152.3
博尔塔拉蒙古自治州 Bortala Prefecture 15.09 45.2 23.32 3 24934.33
博乐市 Bortala City 8.5 24.56 12.61 2.89 7877.34
精河县 Jing County 4.39 13.3 6.95 3.03 11175.25
温泉县 Araxang County 2.2 7.34 3.76 3.34 5881.74
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州 Bayangol  Prefecture 37.21 114.85 59.75 3.09 470954.25
库尔勒市 Korla City 14.5 42.23 22.13 2.91 7215.9
轮台县 Bugur County 2.73 9.69 4.94 3.55 14156.61
尉犁县 Lopnur County 3.67 11.11 5.93 3.03 59234.48
若羌县 Qarkilik County 1.1 3.16 1.71 2.87 198793.52
且末县 Qarqan County 1.66 5.81 2.97 3.5 137831.05
焉耆回族自治县 Hara shaar County 3.8 12.47 6.45 3.28 2440.74
和静县 Hejing County 5.77 17.94 9.24 3.11 34886.74
和硕县 Hoxud County 2.24 6.75 3.42 3.01 12816.49
博湖县 Bagrax County 1.74 5.69 2.96 3.27 3578.73
阿克苏地区 Aksu Prefecture 58.33 222.77 115.68 3.82 131340.91
阿克苏市 Aksu City 17.2 56.87 30.27 3.31 18183.61
温宿县 Wensu [Onsu] County 6.03 22.74 11.73 3.77 14202.46
库车县 Kuqa County 9.8 41.41 21.24 4.22 14602.95
沙雅县 Xayar County 5.51 21.32 11.07 3.87 31955.15
新和县 Xinhe [Toksu] County 3.8 14.55 7.39 3.83 5817.83
拜城县 Baicheng [Bay] County 5.11 20.94 10.82 4.1 15553.7
乌什县 Wushi [Uxturpan] County 4.81 19.13 9.84 3.97 9082
阿瓦提县 Awat County 5.07 21.54 11.13 4.25 13233.57
柯坪县 Kalpin County 1 4.29 2.2 4.27 8709.65
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州 Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture 10.95 46.81 23.95 4.27 72468.09
阿图什市 Artux City 4.89 21.13 10.79 4.32 16151.17
阿克陶县 Akto County 3.92 17.46 8.97 4.45 24539.86
阿合奇县 Akqi County 0.83 3.6 1.83 4.31 12737.09
乌恰县 Wuqia [Ulugqat] County 1.31 4.62 2.36 3.54 19039.96
喀什地区 Kashgar [Kaxgar] Administrative Offices 87.54 361.54 184.33 4.13 139479.61
喀什市 Kashgar [Kaxgar] City 10.69 35.45 18.13 3.31 199.38
疏附县 Shufu County 8.57 37.03 18.99 4.32 3323.12
疏勒县 Shule County 7.47 30.28 15.33 4.05 2485.31
英吉沙县 Yengisar County 5.14 23.3 11.91 4.53 3223.88
泽普县 Zepu [Poskam] County 4.81 17.27 8.75 3.59 826.9
莎车县 Shache [Yarkant] County 14.69 66.67 34.18 4.54 9066.86
叶城县 Yecheng [Kagilik] County 9.28 38.25 19.45 4.12 29359.29
麦盖提县 Makit County 5.21 21.77 11.11 4.18 10276.57
岳普湖县 Yopurga County 3.61 14.13 7.15 3.92 2700.48
伽师县 Jiashi [Payzawat] County 7.37 33.8 17.22 4.59 6668.59
巴楚县 Bachu [Maralbexi] County 9.93 40.21 20.36 4.05 20804.8
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县 Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County 0.76 3.39 1.76 4.45 50544.44
和田地区 Hotan Administrative Offices 44.41 177.21 90.73 3.99 249146.58
和田市 Hotan City 5.45 19.25 9.67 3.53 495.84
和田县 Hotan County 6.39 27.83 14.31 4.35 40876.8
墨玉县 Moyu [Karakax] County 10.77 43.61 22.21 4.05 25624.02
皮山县 Pishan [Guma] County 5.57 22.51 11.62 4.04 39819.75
洛浦县 Lop County 6.05 24.33 12.54 4.03 14286.97
策勒县 Qira County 3.83 13.71 7 3.58 31342.58
于田县 Yutian [Keriya] County 5.41 22.49 11.6 4.16 39126.14
民丰县 Minfeng [Niya] County 0.95 3.48 1.78 3.64 57574.49
Note: a) Households, Year-end population and Male in the census are calculated on the data of surveyed population variation for the year 2003. The data in this part come from the annual data of public security for the year 2004 in prefectures and cities. Therefore, the total of data in this part is not equal to the total in this region.  b) The land area of different prefectures and cities is from the date dated 2002 in the bureau of state land.


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