
时间:2010/12/01 栏目:新疆观察 编辑:admin 字体:


(博讯北京时间2010年11月30日 转载)     维吾尔在线(www.uighurbiz.net)2010年11月25日受到DDoS攻击。维吾尔在线于2005年12月在北京创建,一直坚持用汉文和维吾尔文发布有关新疆和维吾尔族以及中亚地区的资讯。目前已经成为全球最大的维吾尔族中文网站。维吾尔在线曾多次被攻击,但过去曾未受到过DDoS攻击。


On Fri, 26 Nov 2010, you wrote:> these websites are not accessable. Please check ASAP.Hello UighurbizI am quite sorry to let you know that I had to temporarily disable yoursite "uighurbiz.net" as it was causing an increased load on your serverand causing sites to not come up - including yours. This was due to adistributed denial of service (DDoS) attack against your site and neededto be done. Once the attack hopefully subsides in about 48 hours, I'llbe happy to re-enable your site for you. [size=-6](博讯 boxun.com)

    Once again, I apologize for having to do this - but it was necessary tomaintain the stability of your server. Your server is still recoveringfrom the attack, but your other sites should start coming up again soon(if they haven't already).     If you happen to have any further questions about this issue, please feelfree to let me know and I'll gladly make sure you get the help that youdeserve.     




 作者:Irpan(维吾尔在线管理员) _(博讯自由发稿区发稿) (博讯 boxun.com)

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