تور ئويۇنلىرى | ئۈن - سىن | بېكەتلەر ئارخىۋى | كىشى ئىسىملىرى | يۇمشاق دېتال | ئالبۇم | ئىنىسكىلوپېدىيە | باش بەت
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  • ئىزدەش
  • كىرىش
  • قامۇس تۈرلىرى
  • باش بەت
  • ئاپتۇر ئۇچۇرلىرى

    دەرىجىسى : 3
    جۇغلانما نۇمۇر : 12350
    يازما سانى : 55
    باھا يازما سانى : 0
    تىزىملاتقان ۋاقتى : 2007-4-8 0:00:00
    ھازىر توردا : يوق
    (ئايپالتا) سەن...(English)




    Enver Hamit (aypalta)


    You were something great and right,

    You were somewhere clean and bright,

    Your sky was wide day and night,

    Your heart did beat with strong pride,

    You’re now out of mind and sight.


    You are now something that was lost,

    You are now somewhere that time cost,

    You are now a bird that was shot,

    You are now a dream or a thought,

    You are now a sword that put aside.


    You are now a shut door to its owner,

    You are now a lost key and honor,

    You are now a poor blood-donor,

    You are now a new Babylon tower,

    But no one knows how you died!


    You are the history’s biggest lie,

    You are the deepest, saddest sigh,

    You are a robbed, ruined pie,

    You are the final unanswered why,

    Yet no one has heard when you cried.


    You will be something that we’ve got,

    You’ll be a lesson we’ve been taught,

    You’ll be a luck that God has brought,

    You will be reborn as a new thought,

    You’ll be the truth that can’t be denied!


    ئاچقۇچلۇق سۆزلەر : unanswered why , biggest lie , saddest sigh , _
    باھا يازمىلار يوللانغان ۋاقىت : 2011-7-15 0:07:26
    تەھرىر : نامەلۇم
    باھا : 1 كۆزىتىش : 315
    ئوكيان ھەققىدە | ھەمكارلىشىڭ | ئالاقىلىشىڭ
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